Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wizard staff!!!

Wizards need staffs. So do bishops.  Gothi. Also big hats. Bishops... big hats...wizards...big hats...not so sure about gothi...but I'd guess, big hats.....however. Staffs. or here is a wizard/bishop/gothi staff/stave...beautiful ash staff/stave...absolutely not a hoe/rake handle...hand-hewn from the heart of yggdrasil...the tree of woe...the dry tree...the one tree...the world tree...Katy is skeptical, but I just needed to make a wizard staff...sorry, but, as dumbass as it is, I just needed be increasingly obscure, if any Gucci Popes/bishops are around...I'd do a trade.
Anyhoo...a wizard staff/bishops staff/ gothistick..there it is...I figure, it won't sell, so I can just walk around town with it, with a big hat.


  1. This is artistically amazing Patrick, I'm speechless! Perhaps a movie producer for from Harry Potter will find you and order a staff for his entire staff! lol

    Good job!

  2. Patrick, this is a beautiful example of your excellent craftsmanship. I'm sure that eventually you will know who it's for and/or why you needed to make it. I'll bet it feels great just to have done it -- to see a vision manifest, to hold it in your hands. That's totally a good enough reason!

  3. brilliant! the intricacy of both design and craftsmanship is exquisite. The artistry speaks for itself .... and yes it must feel good to have made the vision manifest ...... well done that boy! ...uhm about the walking around town with the staff (however exquiste) and a big hat? .... maybe not so much ... i'm just sayin'

  4. I love the image of you walking around town with at staff and a big hat! (it's Eugene, go for it!) Your work is stunning, as always. I understand about sometimes there is something that just needs to be made real.

  5. I had to bump into your blog somehow... while I am reading about wiccan magick... :-)
    Thanks to Hrafinstaad!


