Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wizard staff!!!

Wizards need staffs. So do bishops.  Gothi. Also big hats. Bishops... big hats...wizards...big hats...not so sure about gothi...but I'd guess, big hats.....however. Staffs. or here is a wizard/bishop/gothi staff/stave...beautiful ash staff/stave...absolutely not a hoe/rake handle...hand-hewn from the heart of yggdrasil...the tree of woe...the dry tree...the one tree...the world tree...Katy is skeptical, but I just needed to make a wizard staff...sorry, but, as dumbass as it is, I just needed be increasingly obscure, if any Gucci Popes/bishops are around...I'd do a trade.
Anyhoo...a wizard staff/bishops staff/ gothistick..there it is...I figure, it won't sell, so I can just walk around town with it, with a big hat.

Progress on knife

It's been a while, but here are some images.This is one half of the hilt. I've used an hydraulic press to make the basic form, and transfered the image to the I will trace the lines to the silver with a liner, which will make a groove on the face, and a slight mark on the reverse.
 This is the hilt after the first pass withe the liner, and a little with the grooves on the hilt.
First pass on the repoussed side. Following the lines of the liner/tracer, I've pushed up (repoussed) the volumes of the forms
Roughly pushed up, I  will refine the traced/ liner lines, and push up again
So, a little more refined...
And, here is the piece pretty much finished up...the halves have been soldered together.
The other now I'll need to do the end caps, and fittings around the throat!

